Signals From The Frontline

Chapter Tactics #144: Breaking Down the Top Lists and Fantasy Drafting For the LVO



Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today Val, Nick Nanavati, John Lennon and Pablo break down some of the best lists and list archetypes at the LVO and also talk about a new way to experience competitive 40k. Show Notes: Fair warning about the audio. Unfortunately due to the recording we received, there is an echo and it was not one that could be heard through sound tests before the podcast. I did my best to reduce it, however it came down to either scrapping the episode entirely, or living with some echo in order for one person to be heard. I do apologize. Head on over to for more faction stats for all major ITC tournaments! Support us on Patreon this month and get a chance to receive random stuff from us! Click here for a link for information on downloading best coast pairings app where you can find lists for most of the events I mention. Check out the last episode of Chapter Tactics