Don Woods

It's all Kidology!



On the Olympic scene our wonderful Government have done a bit of a U-turn -they will only be awarding ONE honour for a gold medal in the honours list.    Good one eh? do you pick ONE?   Recognise ALL the successful athletes…or none at all…Will someone please tell me what Beckham has …a with a personality by-pass….The banks are being brought to task about advertising “free” banking when they charge for all sorts…..  We all moan about the banks but nothing seems to change.Gary Barlowe did a great advertising job for the X Factor…so much so I actually watched it…BIG MISTAKE…what a load of contrived rubbish…..time to draw the curtain on this one I think...tripe. A while back we did a gig for a local Lordat his mansion on the Wirral.We set up in a marquee in the grounds where all the local gentry arrived  in their Bentleys and proceeded to knock back the gin like it was going out of fashion.We were in a corne