Don Woods

Doo Wap, Mathew Strreet and Fat Mansions



We chatted about Don's Doowop record on the internet programme With Doowop Joe Conroy before moving to The Mathew Street Festival which has now been re-named - The Liverpool International Music Festival….the old days of bands hammering out Merseybeat seem to be over…now it’s tribute bands from all over the place. There will be a few big stages around the waterfront and no doubt the pubs around the area will have live bands….it’s a great day out for those into it all…I have done it in the past but lugging gear over peoples heads to get to the stage in the Cavern doesn’t do a lot for me…..but the tourists love it….I found an old video of a gig I did at the Cavern…I stood in for The Black Knights and played bass ….with a mate of mine who stood in on guitar….and neither of us can remember it….sad or what. The UK is the most obese country in the world….according to the media….so the government are putting a tax on fattening drinks etc…..making a few more bob for the MPs expenses….I can’t see why they can’t brin