Don Woods

Maggie's Legacy and Goal Line Technology



The news has been swamped with Maggie Thatcher's usual the media hone in on ALL the negativity giving publicity to all the morons which sadly make you ashamed to be British......celebrating someone who has died by dancing in the streets is sickening to watch....especially as most of the idiots weren't even born when she was in power.........and to further indicate the sad situation someone has re-released Judy Garland'sThe Wicked Witch Is Dead-which is flying up the charts....the BBC are wondering how to get round this...;we may as well all go back to living in caves and start again. Speed limits have come under fire on country roads due to the high number of deaths by idiots driving too fast........again it's down to lack of grey matter.........WOW they are now talking about goal line technology in soccer.....blimey it's 57 years since the German goal was know..the one that was 9 inches over the line?...and that one of ours a few years back which was about 6 feet over the line