Don Woods

The Punishment must fit the Crime



The government have announced there will be major cuts in legal aid…which has resulted in a mini “strike” by solicitors….they say it will reduce their clientele…thus losing money. I think these guys should compare their hourly rate to that of a council worker or shop assistant… will they survive without their brand new BMs and Mercedes every year?...I feel so sorry for them. A pal of mine went on jury duty and said it was a farce…nobody on the panel,including the chairman,had a clue about the law…they were judging people by how they looked. I’ve never been able to grasp the jury system…they should consist of intelligent educated people with a good knowledge of the law…SOLICITORS FOR EXAMPLE…there you are I’ve found jobs for them. There is a big thing at the moment regarding cyber bullying….youngsters are getting threatened on twitter etc….now I know I am from the 50’s but isn’t the answer to not read the tweets?...or is that too simple. It strikes me that anyone who makes threats on the social media