Rail The Berm

Episode 269: The Old School Yogi



On this episode, The yogi of old school BMX collecting, Steve Brothers of BMXSociety.com, enlightens us with his collecting knowledge. Steve and the gang discuss collecting Mongoose, Diamond Back, Kuwahara and Webco. Colin discloses his frugalness and disdain for $6000.00 Harry Leary Turbos. Steve tells a harrowing tale of the time when he came face to face with the Turbo and escaped with his life. The Muggs give you the Straight Up Boogaloo about overturning the Applecart Blues while kicking it in the Fat City. Rail The Berm Website (https://www.railtheberm.com/) RTB is co-factory sponsored by... The Catalyst Pedal (https://pedalinginnovations.com/) Rennen (http://rennendesigngroup.com/products.html) Listen To R.T.B On Amazon Alexa (https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Berm-Bicycle-Motocross-Show/dp/B0742QTH16/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BJKKGQAQ4C6Q&keywords=rail+the+berm+the+bicycle+motocross+show&qid=1555861454&s=digital-skills&sprefix=Rail+T%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1-spell) Support The Show / Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/beP