Bleeding Ink

[Paul Jarvis] In which we build an army of robots



TL;DL Paul Jarvis has penned five books. They hit bestseller charts. He’s raked in half a million dollars from his products in the past 18 months. You need to listen to Paul. “I feel like I’m doing life wrong if I’m working all the time.” The above quote is from a writer who raked in half a million dollars while enjoying time on an island off the coast of Vancouver. His name is Paul Jarvis. And he’s my guest on this episode of Bleeding Ink. Take powdered zen master, add half a cup of hustler and a cup of geek with a healthy pinch of weirdo, and stir into this mix the finest Canadian maple syrup to concoct a Paul. Like few other content creators he slices through the internet’s deafening garble by staying true to a voice sincere and made of Grade A Helpfulness™. You need to listen to Paul Jarvis. He’s got this marketing stuff figured the hell out. Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, make the world a teeny tiny place. They are integral to the shape of humanity’s future communication, for better or