Bleeding Ink

[Tim Grahl] In which we answer, "How can I write better?"



Don’t let Tim Grahl’s boyish smile and kind exterior fool you. He is relentless. Sure, relentlessly helpful, but too when attacking insurmountable goals. He orchestrates ruthless plans, beats down the door of the finest mentors, lays bare his flaws for critique and finds every shortcut to wrangle success in the shortest possible time. At his core Tim is an artisan blend of marketer and scientist—and damn good ones at that. We need more Tims in the book-selling world. Full disclosure: I work with Tim on my own book launches and author platform. I turn to him for advice. You can thank Tim for this very podcast—it was his suggestion. His counsel continues to deliver and its only limitation is in how I perform it, not in the guidance itself. He’s helped a milieu of best-selling authors—Hugh Howey, Chip and Dan Heath, Michael Moss, Charles Duhigg and Daniel Pink to name some notable characters—and what’s worked for them will work for you. Tim’s book Your First 1000 Copies should live on every author’s bookshel