Mom Wants More

Start Your Year Off Right Series: PLAN



Welcome to Week 3 of our Start Your Year off Right Mini-series! Here on the podcast we're spending the whole month of January focused on stepping into a brand new year (and a new decade!) with intention and joy. We know that expectations and pressure can feel high around this time of year so we've put together a plan to help you ditch overwhelm, get clarity, create a plan, and GET MOVING towards your dreams and goals this year. This week we're building on the last two weeks of reflection and dreaming and we're getting super practical about how to make a plan of action to launch you forward. In today's episode we cover: Reverse Engineering your dreams into plans Creating a realistic roadmap Breaking down your big goals into small, measurable steps Counting the cost Carving out actual time and space in your life for your biggest goals We've got some great (FREE) resources to help walk you through this process with us so be sure to grab those at HERE.