Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 12: Bukkake For Christ



LOCK UP YOUR MOTHERS! PILLOW FORT RADIO IS BACK! A man shoots his TV because Caitlyn Jenner got an award or something. Why not change the channel? Howdy Honda Housey has some words for Money Mayweather, and we love it. Aaron argues that he's not really a ginger. We aggressively disagree. Sinead O'Conner isn't a fan of Rolling Stone. Chuck does a TED talk about Irish-Americans and their history. We talk about Pearl Jam. More SNL talk. Aaron doesn't know the difference between Jimmy Stewart and George Burns, which is neat. Alaina spaced out because, apparently, we are boring to her. Chuck believes an apocalypse might be a good thing. MMMMMmmmmmmm Henry Cavill. Dutch Finds an excuse to play Peter Cetera's greatest song. Alaina thinks I should host a late night radio show that plays sexy music.Chuck uses the royal We. All drugs should be legal, you guys. Prostitution should be legal, you guys. Chuck and Dutch have a Jesse "The Body" Ventura - off. Aaron brings us 2... count 'em 2 subreddits of the week. Alaina b