Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Looking at Frustrations With a New Attitude



I want to give you a cheat sheet that will help you get the most of this podcast. Click here to download now. What do you do when things don’t happen the way you wanted them? We can make some great plans, but sometimes they just don’t work out… Have you planned something recently that didn’t work out like you planned? Our trip got longer when the traffic came to a total stop, so we took a detour. At first, it stressed us, frustrated us, but then I realized the detour was just what we needed. Wayne enjoyed the rustic countryside and I saw something I had wanted to see for years! They were beautiful. So beautiful. They were a gift. Sunflowers--magnificent sunflowers a golden gift on tall green stems from God just cause…no reason, except He wanted to remind me that He loves me and that He knew how long I had dreamed of seeing a field of sunflowers.   I am so thankful for His little surprises. Have you heard the jingle “Everything is better with bluebonnet on it”? Well, I can tell you first hand everything is