Life Church Boston - Sunday Life

Introduction To Sermon On The Mount



Sunday January 9, 2011 10 A.M. Message from Life Church Boston In this message Pastor Rocklyn presents an introduction to the Sermon On The Mount. We learn that The Holy Spirit has been given to Jesus' disciples (and, by extension to us) to give us the same experience of walking with Jesus that the disciples enjoyed before Jesus went to the cross. In our prevous series on Romans 1 - 8, we learned that the law makes us conscious of sin, but it cannot make us holy. Instead, we become holy by walking in the Spirit (i.e. actively following the Holy Spirit's leading). Similarly, Jesus disciples grew in holiness, not by focusing on the even stricter rules that Jesus presented, but rather by walking with Jesus. Key Passages: - Matthew 4:12 - 5:2 - Romans 8:1-17 - John 14:1-26 - John 16:12-15