Lifelight Church

Greed, Anxiety & Lilies



Remember the time when Spider-Man quit? Maybe some of you aren't as familiar. Here's what happens. Spider-Man becomes all stressed out. The whole thing about hiding his identity and love from MJ, his best friend blaming Spider-Man for the murder of his father, losing jobs, and failing classes all because he has to to save lives and rescue people become too much to handle. "With great power comes great responsibility" but the responsibility and the power was too much to bear. So he quits. "I'm Spider-Man no more" he says, dumping the spidey suit in an alley. If you read Luke 12:13-34, this makes perfect sense. In fact, I think Stan Lee (creator of Spider-Man) got this plot from Jesus' teaching. Most of you know the parable and the teaching; a greedy rich man dies but takes nothing of his riches. Jesus tells us to not worry about what to eat, what to drink, don't stress out, etc. Jesus also says "you don't even have power to do little things; what worry then." It's true. Spider-Man, after giving up his power