Kevin Whitsitt

How Do I Build a Sales Funnel for Affiliate Marketing?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question how do I build a sale funnel for affiliate marketing? This is a very good question. The sales funnel, is by far the most important part of this business. I know because I didn't get this part right and I barely made any money even though I was throwing an insane amount of traffic at it. There are a few foundations that you need with a sales funnel. One is you really should have some type of deep sales in your funnel. This is where you can make $1,000-$5,000 and even higher per sale and they should be deep in the funnel. This really should apply to any business. The reason this is such a good idea is because it's much easier to sale to someone who has already purchased from you. They already trust you and know you. This is how Joe Girard won the Guinness book of world records for selling the most cars from talking to pe