Ask The Tech Coach

Best Formative Assessment Tools For The Classroom



In this episode of AskTheTechCoach, we look at Formative Assessment Tools that can be used in the classroom. This week we were asked about different kinds of online assessment tools teachers can use besides websites such as Discovery Education, PBS, etc. for Science? Formative vs Summative Assessments When we discuss assessment tools, we have to look at both Formative and Summative assessments. Formative Assessments are used throughout a unit to help teachers measure individual student learning and adjust as needed. Summative assessments are usually the test at the end. I often wonder if a student does poorly, shouldn’t we then use it as a formative assessment? Tech Tools as Assessment Tools There are many tech tools to help teachers monitor and adjust teaching and learning. Some of the overall favorites are: ( is a fun interactive game based learning platform that allows the teacher to assess student learning. Students can use any device (desktop, laptop, chromebook, tablet, or p