How's Your Epresence? With Mark Galvin

S2 E7 "How's your ePresence?" with guest Beth Schiavo, Founder & CEO of the Gender Plan



This month, Mark hosts Beth Schiavo, Founder & CEO of The Gender Plan. Beth is an executive coach, gender inclusion specialist and financial strategist and is on a mission to help women amplify their voices at work!  Then, help businesses grow by hearing them. As a former CFO, Big 4 Partner and a working mom, Beth learned how challenging it can be to overcome the barriers women face at work. Now she is working to break those barriers down. On Mark's social media update, he talks about the best social media posts for professionals. Also, did you know, that you can schedule an appointment right from your LinkedIn Messenger app?    Mark and Beth talked about: How to promote women in the workplace while not alienating men? How can social media help or hamper this effort? How can workplaces better manage the fear of crossing the line with women in the workplace in relation to the #MeToo movement? How can social media HELP this transitional time in our business cultures?