Second Spring Queen

Lunar Sex Magic: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10, 2020



Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Cancer Jan 10, 2020  Clearing and Crystalizing for 2020 Full Moons are a cumulation, a closure, an illumination on what we need to see and release to move forward. This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is all of that on steroids. It’s bound to stir things up. Take a deep breath. Ground yourself. Roll up your sleeves. Let’s do this. What we work with here sets the tone for all of 2020.   What are you releasing, alchemizing, integrating? What do you want to build?  What systems and structures do you want to create?  Where do you want to build power?  What’s been blocking you? Where did you outsource your authority and give your power away? What are you ready to let go of? This Moon’s mantra is “That was then. This is now.”  It’s asking us to dive deep and take inventory on what needs to go. It’s an invitation to make a shift. Perhaps a quantum leap. To shift away from habits, mindset, and modes of operation that have blocked us from thriving and into new ways of doing things. Ways in service