Anime Jam Session

Episode #172 - Weve Seen This Before Havent We.



On tonight's show, we're talking Anime Expo! DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller discuss some of the news that came out over weekend such as Bayonetta, Mighty No. 9, Panty & Stocking, and with baited breath... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon! Outside of that we talk about a UFC fighter's love for Dragon Ball Z, plus theatrical release of the new movie! We also discuss the Open Forum Topic, "We now have a convention season. Starts in January for some, and ends around November for some as well. Whats your convention season? Do you take a break during them?" In Strange News From Japan, a near ton statue is stolen, woman calls 911 repeatedly (haven't we heard this before?), and a guy is arrested for opening condiments and mailboxes?