Mom Wants More

Goals vs Intentions



We are rereleasing this episode as we prepare for our January Mini-Series.  We love a clean slate and is there any cleaner of a slate than January 1? The whole year is stretched out before us, full of possibility and good intentions. So naturally everyone and their Aunt Millie is currently setting goals and thinking about how they want to show up in the world this year. Here at Mom Wants More we have some suggestions on how you can practice this gently with yourself. We are all about naming those things we hope for, for calling our shot, and then getting after it. But it can quickly turn into pressure, an "on or off" mentality, or even feeling like a failure by January 11. In today's episode we're highlighting the difference between setting a hard Goal and setting an Intention. We think that when it comes to intentions and mindfulness, the more the merrier, but when it comes to hard goals, less is actually more. We're sharing how this looks in our personal lives and we're offering up some practical and helpfu