Mom Wants More

Start Your Year Off Right Series: Reflect



Happy New Year! This month we're kicking off a super fun mini-series all about how to Start Your Year off Right. Not only is it the beginning of a fresh new calendar year, but it's also the beginning of a whole new decade! Talk about a clean slate, amirite? Just because January 1st came and went doesn't mean you need to need to have your whole year mapped out. And if you're finding this episode later in the year, just because January came and went doesn't mean you can't start now! You are the boss of your own goals and this doesn't have to look "right" to anyone but you, sister. That said, Alana and I have combined all of our best practices and tips for starting the year off intentionally and we've streamlined them into this super helpful 4 week series for you. We've got some great (FREE) resources to help walk you through this process with us so be sure to grab those at HERE. Week 1 is all about REFLECTING and today we're going to help you take a look at: what worked in 2019 VS what didn't work what was lif