Stories Behind The Grind

#3 How To Train Your Self Awareness With Nat Hodges (Nxt Lvl)



Nat is co-director of Nxt Lvl a people performance business that helps others play a bigger game. We talk about Mindset and Mindfulness and how self-awareness should be the starting point for those wanting to begin their journey. For a full edited transcript, click here  • What is Nxt Lvl? [0:11] • Who can Nxt Lvl help and what epiphany’s do they have? [0:50] • What other currencies does Nat like to deal in apart from Money and Freedom? [2.35] • When what you teach is teachable to others and the ripple effect? [3:23] • How can people start on their mindfulness journey? [3:47] • Why having all the mindfulness in the world can be meaningless? [4.50] • Does Nat practice what he preaches around meditation? [6:50] • What is Nxt Lvl’s three-pronged approach to self awareness? [7:15] • Nat reflects on how meditation helped him in an intense situation? [9:09] • Why Mindfulness shouldn’t be seen as a hack/tactic? [10:52] • What to do if you want a better future? [11:29] Take the Free Lvl Up Profile Be sure to fo