Stories Behind The Grind

#55 Building Your Personal Brand On LinkedIn with String



On this episode of Stories Behind the Grind, listen to my conversation with String, a top 20 content creator in all of Australia on LinkedIn. We discuss String’s 7 layers to building a personal brand, how to overcome your fear of appearing on video and how to break through the noise on LinkedIn. Also discover: Why String chose LinkedIn as a platform to grow How String's 9 to 5 job killed her creativity and pushed her to start her journey as an artist The need to learn business to enhance creativity How being authentic and building a community on Meerkat, allowed String to grow her following The 7 V’s Formula  of personal branding Why you should work on your strengths first 110 % versus 75 % quality of content Why even negative feedback is positive How to stay in people’s minds everyday Advice to those who find videos daunting Value of doing and practicing Being consistent and getting validation Video as a tool for communication The importance of sharing your knowledge String's memorable moments growing Linke