Levar Evans News & Comment

Page One w/ Levar & Mary



Happy New Year! It's the first Page One of 2020, and nothing has changed as we'll discuss some interesting topics this week! On today's show we'll explore a study showing that vinyl record sales are at sales records....what albums would you like to have on vinyl?  We'll pick our own,  Also, Seattle public schools are taking a stance on students who are not up to date with their vaccinations by not allowing them back in school....we'll discuss.  The pope made news this week on a few fronts....we'll talk about the handslap seen around the world and his take on cell phones....it brings to question are we too reliant on cell phone usage? We'll explain.  We'll also discuss a story about a person who became harrassed on social media and wound up having their page (and not the harrasser) taken away.  We'll have all that and any breaking news on this edition of Page One.