Joyce Barrie & Friends

Life After Life - Dr. Frank A. La Batto



Dr. Frank A. La Batto had his  first OBE at 18.  He then attended programs at The Monroe Institute©, developed abilities in conscious expansion, rescued souls who transitioned, and worked on many levels in the non-physical. He has become aware through his personal life-journey the reality of the continuum of life on all planes of existence.  Accessing the other side is an essential birthright readily available to all. He is psychically assisted by his daughter, Linda, who transitioned on May 7, 2012 at the age of 27. Linda works with him in the physical and non-physical as their journeys intertwine.  He is twin souls with his daughter and it’s extremely rare when not born as identical twins.  Dr. Frank's book, "Linda in the Light" will help millions to understand what their children bring to them as teachers, guides, and angels. Pure unconditional love heals the wound, pain, sadness, and anger of the physical separation when we lose a child. He shares with us his experiences and proves that the gifts our lo