
NYG Week 14 - STL Conversation w/ Tom McAlister



The GMen met a Pittsburgh Steelers team fighting for its 2016 NFL life. Big Ben Roethlisberger was on fire and the Steelers offense was ready to go. The Giants came up short in the steel city and life gets no easier for the club as they now face the first place Dallas Cowboys coming off a 10 day rest. No one said the NFL was fair. The Giants are the owners of the only blemish on the Cowboys record. Neither team is the same club they were in week one. Both teams have found ways to win with flawed performances. Both organizations have been beset with various injures they have (to this juncture) found ways to overcome. The latest injury to JPP could be huge but it's not the only wild card in this division matchup. Join Host Steven Van Over and New York Giants analyst Tom McAlister as they look at last weeks victory and break down the resurgence of the running game, "good" Eli Manning and winning with defense. The Cleveland Browns are next up as the Giants rip through the "soft" part of their schedule and gea