Hiroshima University's English Podcast

ドラマで英語を学ぼう (51) Adventure in the Philippines (1)



Download MP3 今月から2回に分けて「ドラマで英語を学ぼう」の新作"Adventure in the Philippines"をお送りします。今回は、その前半です。 日本人のSatomiは、フィリピン人の友人Skyの案内で現地にやって来ました。彼女はtricycle、jeepney 、そしてdirty ice creamといった、フィリピン独特の文化に興味津々のようです…。   [スクリプトは動画上にも表示されます] Adventure in the Philippines: 1 (Airport) M: Hey Satomi! Over here! W: Oh! Hi Sky! It’s SO good to see you again! Thanks for inviting me to come here. M: Welcome to the Philippines! Mabuhay! W: Thanks! Wow, I didn’t expect it would be THIS hot. Is it always like this here? M: Yep. It’s hot the whole year. That’s why the Philippines’ beaches are really famous: the beautiful white sand and clear emerald green sea, PLUS the right hot weather. A perfect combination! W: Hey, I’ve heard that Boracay is one of the best beaches in Asia. It’s in the Philippines, right? M: Ha ha! What a coincidence! We’ll go there the day after tomorrow! W: Really? I’m glad that I have YOU as my friend, Sky. I really trust you, that you’re gonna make my first ever trip to the Philippines so exciting! M: OK. Satomi. Jus