Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 06 (WHM 04) - Why trust these Hebrew prophets?



Sixth episode in the series. Through the Hebrew prophets, Yehowah promised he would reward Israel's disobedience by scattering them to 'the four corners of the earth' – but, that He would later bring them back 'from every nation'! Can such a prophecy be fulfilled?   What about the ten so-called, 'Lost Tribes'? Is it beginning to happen today? -------------------- With music from: Low Country Boys (Co. Down, Northern Ireland) – 'Oot Tae Grass', (No Lang Tae Go);   One Week of Days (Kilkenny, Ireland) – 'Holy Love', (Who You Really Are);   Máire Brennan (Co. Dublin, Ireland) – 'Perfect Time', ( Perfect Time).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust