Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 20 (WHM 13b) – The Great Tribulation (continued)



Episode twenty in the series: In the middle of the last seven years the beast, Anti-Christ, will put a stop to the temple sacrifices. After subduing three of the ten rulers who gave him his power he will oppress the saints and change the set times and laws. His army will tramp on the holy city (Jerusalem) for 42 months. The beast will exercise his authority to blaspheme God and to make war against the saints. “There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations,” for “time, times and half a time.” There will be a ‘rapture’ event, being “caught up into the clouds”, but it will NOT be a secret – far from it!  The whole earth – “every eye” – will witness it! Our being ‘caught up’ will take place at the last trumpet, AFTER the conclusion of the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation! --------------------   With music from: Coole Park (Ontario, Canada) – 'Old Hag, You Have Kill