Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Dr. William Nudera talks about the best 1-2 punch to treat the "hot" endo tooth and how to manage a "PSD: post treatment disease".



If you’ve been avoiding endodontics in your dental career, today’s episode of The Dental Slang Podcast is for you. Dr. Bill Nudera is here to put your mind at ease about every aspect of endodontic procedures. Bill has served as a dentist in the Air Force, earned an MA in oral sciences, and has been running his own full-time practice for 20 years. In his prolific career, he’s seen (and learned) a thing or two about what not to do when treating endodontic cases. It was Bill’s time in the Air Force that really set the foundation for his career. He was lucky enough to be stationed with another endodontist who donned the mentor’s cap and showed Bill the ropes when it came to endodontic concepts, principles and techniques. For two years, this board-certified endodontist critiqued Bill’s work, giving him the opportunity to hone his skills and become the dentist he is today. Bill also learned how important it is to have a mentor, and now he’s paying it forward. In this episode, Bill steps into that mentoring role and