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Vantagepoint Hot Stocks Outlook for December 20, 2019 | Huge Healthcare & Bio-Tech Opportunities



Hello again traders, and welcome back to the Hot Stocks Outlook for December 20th, 2019. I hope you all are having an excellent week out there in the financial markets, and as always, plenty of opportunities to cover in this week's Outlook. We're going to start out here and really focus on a lot of the healthcare and biotech stocks, which has been a theme, really, over the past couple of months here within the Hot Stocks Outlook. But we've got Eli Lilly here, Amdocs, Ironwood Pharmaceutical, Humana and Tenet. And specifically Ironwood, Humana, Tenet Healthcare. We've all gone over these opportunities over the past couple of months, and all these opportunities really started in October. But it really gives you a great point of reference to say, okay, well where is the strength in the marketplace? Where should I be focusing my attention here, with the VantagePoint shorter-term forecast?