Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Out Of The Darkness



I have included a beautiful, free download of the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi for you. (You may want to hear the podcast first.  Here's the link. Have you ever experienced the darkness?   I mean REALLY dark darkness! I'm talking darkness beyond... the eerie darkness of a campsite deep in the woods on a moonless night. or the frighting darkness that comes during  a hurricane; when the power goes out and all the windows are board up. or the paralyzing darkness of fear. or the crippling grip of the darkness of grief. I'm referring to the the Darkness of Sin. Sin births darkness.   In the garden... even in the midst of the first, perfect garden, Adam and Eve felt its effects immediately. And they responded by hiding from the light. Sin's darkness blinds Ordinary people. Good people. Smart people. Powerful people.   Sin twists truth, perverts love breeds fear feeds narcissism. In the absence of light, the light of TRUTH,  blinded people hatch up a reality that fits their darkness. Their twisted darkness beco