Mom Wants More

Managing Expectations for the Holidays



The train has left the station y'all! The holiday season is upon us and while it has the potential to be the most warm, fuzzy, magical season of the year, it also has the potential to make us go a little bit crazy. Today we're getting down to the nitty gritty by sharing our own struggles with this season and dishing the simple ways we're learning to prioritize, communicate, and really get intentional about how we want the holiday season to look. We cover all of it, from letting go of the Hallmark Holiday Fantasy, to creating boundaries, speaking up & being clear AHEAD of time, giving grace to ourselves and our people, and focusing in on just 2-3 goals to prioritize for the season. For us those priorities look like: Slowing down enough to connect with our kiddos Creating (and sometimes breaking) traditions Being present in the moment as it's actually unfolding instead of fussing over our expectations of that moment.