Woman Untamed

Man School, Masculinity After #Metoo, and Conscious Relationship with Matthew Solomon



Today on the show, we have Matthew Solomon, coach and author, for an episode about how the #metoo movement has affected ideas of masculinity and the ways in which men access their power. We cover the shifts men need to make in relating to women, redefine the empowered masculine, and discuss the value of working together versus perpetuating the battle of the sexes. This episode will having you viewing men in a whole new light and ignite within you a deeper understanding of sacred union.   Learn more about Matthew: https://www.coachwithmatthewsolomon.com/   If you are learning and growing from this podcast, be sure to subscribe and leave a review!   ***************************************** Known as “The Coach for the Modern Soul,” Matthew Solomon’s vision for the modern era is one that is rooted in the understanding that everything is based on relationships; whether they be romantic, familial, corporate or otherwise. From this space, Matthew stands with you in creating the life and experience that you truly de