Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

How do you keep believing



Luke 1 shares 3 core beliefs that are essential to help you keep believing when your prayers doesn’t happen as soon as you want them to happen.   You can download a high resolution .jpg of these 3 core beliefs here. Here's the link.   Elizabeth summed up the meaning of our partnership role of "Blessed" with almost surprising consciseness. I shouldn't be surprised, this story is told with the precision of a doctor, yes, our dear Dr. Luke.   Yet, I don't believe their reunion would fit in a nice little concise box. Any gathering of close female relatives is never quiet or unemotional. Their reunion was filled with warmth, love and lots of emotions. Mary and Elizabeth were cousins. Mary was in her youth  and Elizabeth was very old.   They didn't live close enough to chat regularly, but Elizabeth is where Mary turned in the early days of her pregnancy. Maybe it was because the angel had shared Elizabeth's baby news that prompted her visit--two pregnant women always have lots to talk about, especially when the pre