Divorce Confidential With Caralee Fontenele

5 Strategies To Survive The Breakdown Your Relationship



In this week's episode, Caralee discusses her strategies on not only how to survive the end of your relationship, but how to thrive and create your best life ever.The breakdown of your serious relationship is considered to be the second most traumatic experience in life after the death of a loved one. It is no surprise then, why people going through a separation feel so much hurt and pain in their lives. Of course, every situation is different, and every person is unique. However, for most people, regardless of whether the separation was a joint decision, instigated by you or not at all your choice, it will involve a roller-coaster of emotions and a large range of practical changes to your life. Caralee believes that there is a bright side to every situation and she knows first hand that this time in your life does pass, but until it does there are strategies that you can use to cope better and help you take renewed control of your life. She shares with you five of her best strategies.