Hood Digest

6: Season 2, Ep. 6: Immigration: Royalty Inside My DNA



We dive deeper into the issue of immigration by diving into the history of Central American migration to the United States and how it ties to the hood. We learn about the political, economic, and personal reasons why Brown people leave their native countries in search of better life options.  ABOUT OUR GUEST Dr. Alejandro Villalpando, Ph.D. is a professor at California State University, Los Angeles. His focus is on Central American studies, Central American diaspora, racism and state violence, neoliberalism, immigration, U.S. militarism, and imperialism. ALL THE FUN stuff that comes along with being an educated Brown man. BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Gary Webb - Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Alliance-Contras-Cocaine-Explosion/dp/1888363932/ref=pd_sbs_14_t_0/146-7500022-2745210?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1888363932&pd_rd_r=8810d953-5117-421c-a6c6-4fbfbf79578c&pd_rd_w=yS7ye&pd_rd_wg=l9Jw0&pf_rd_p=5cfcfe89-300f-47d2-b1ad-a4e27203a02a&pf_rd_r=QS3K2TM1ETFN495