Forties Stories

The Myth of Having it All: Johanna Selth, 43



A special thanks to my friend Johanna Selth for joining me for an interview this week! Johanna and I talk about her career twists, how her mom’s death made her feel about aging, and why we should ask other women for help. We also talk about sacrifice and the myth of having it all. Johanna is an Australian human rights lawyer who has lived and worked in Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, Afghanistan, China, and now the US. Her career has spanned private practice, government, and both local and large international NGOs. She lives in the Washington, DC area with her husband and two children and loves to read, travel, do Pilates, and walk her golden retriever. She also told me that something she didn’t mention in the interview is that she is a spiritual person and has a strong faith, which is a big part of her self-care. I truly admire Johanna for sharing her story at a time when she doesn’t feel that all the stars are aligned in her life – as you’ll hear her describe. So often we are only willing to share the good s