Rail The Berm

Episode 261: 2019 Is A Wrap



On this episode, Mike Carruth of BMXNews.com joins us to discuss the 2019 USABMX Grand Nationals, but before that we get into the weeds about the legality of crank arm rentals, BMX Racing League versus every other outreach program USABMX offers and metal drummers. During the fan call Jason Crouch takes a guess at how many gears the super secret Supercross BMX gear box has. He chose four. That is three too many. The band Ammo plays their song Into Death off the album Taking The Throne. Rail The Berm Website (https://www.railtheberm.com/) RTB is full-factory sponsored by... Thrive Racing (https://thriveracing.com) RTB is co-factory sponsored by... The Catalyst Pedal (https://pedalinginnovations.com/) Listen To R.T.B On Amazon Alexa (https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Berm-Bicycle-Motocross-Show/dp/B0742QTH16/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BJKKGQAQ4C6Q&keywords=rail+the+berm+the+bicycle+motocross+show&qid=1555861454&s=digital-skills&sprefix=Rail+T%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1-spell) Band: Ammo Album: Taking the Throne Song: Into Death Faceb