Scale Or Die

Founder Fridays: Marketing 3.0 & how to win in the Experience Era pt. 1



The Internet has changed a great deal over the past decade, and it's about time for marketing to catch up. In this episode, Dave chimes in on why Marketing 3.0 is an era in which every person has their own unique funnel. He explains why businesses that embrace "online experiences" will win in the long run: higher conversion rates, greater revenue, happier customers... This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 goes live next Friday, 3/1. We're excited to have you along for Season 1 of #ScaleOrDie. Before you leave, be sure to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, post a comment, or share with your friends! Tune into more episodes at and read more stories at Follow Dave & Proof on Twitter — @DaveRogemoser and @UseProof. We publish episodes every week so be sure to check back often for more interviews with the internet’s best minds in growth!