Scale Or Die

Product Launch 2: How To Get Juicy Customer Feedback For New Products



I’ve had a product development metamorphosis. Our Proof team is in the middle of a 6-week product launch challenge. And this week is all about product feedback! In the episode, I will walk you through the entire process we’ve used to approach product feedback calls. I’m going to share with you everything from how we find interviewees and structure up the calls to the questions we ask and how we handle feedback. Plus, last week I promised to announce the 2 products Proof is launching during this cycle… Drumroll PLEASE! Lifecycle campaigns AI-powered recommended context Tune in to find out more about these products! Liking Founder Friday? Have an idea for a topic you'd like us to cover? Tweet at Dave — or shoot him an email at & tell us your thoughts! We're excited to have you along for Season 1 of #ScaleOrDie. Before you leave, be sure to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, post a comment, or share with your friends! Tune into more episodes at and read more stories at blog.use