Geeks Interrupted

Episode #20: 24th June 2013



Phil Edwards, Andy Blume, Daniel Olivares and Ceri Kidby-Salom are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Show Notes: Sony announces Australian prices for new 4K Bravia range [CNET] The Culture Squad [iTunes] Feedly Added 8 Million Users Since Google Reader's Shutdown Announced [Mashable] Australian doctor withdraws lawsuit against Google [The Age] Researchers Crack iOS-Generated Hotspot Passwords in 50 Seconds [Mac Rumors] Vodafone's Power Shorts Uses Kinetic Energy To Charge Your Smartphone [Ubergizmo] AT&T to Introduce Solar-Powered Charging Stations [The New York Times] Facebook Adds 15 Second Video Support To Instagram Starting Today [The Next Web] Instagram Video Vs. Vine: What's The Difference? [TechCrunch] Apple providing iPads to Los Angeles school district in $30 million contract [Engadget] Xbox One-80: Microsoft reverses Xbox One DRM features [Joystiq] Microsoft's Xbox One policy reversal is bad for gaming [VentureBeat] Bath salts and booty: watch a drug-fueled John McAfe