Networkwise Presents: Conversations With Connors

Todd Richheimer: It's the Nuance Where Opportunity Lies



First and foremost, Todd Richheimer is a dad to two amazing little girls. Isla is 3 1/2 and Brooke 1 1/2. He's a husband to an amazing woman - who he met the first day of law school - and he's someone who prizes his relationships with his family and friends above all else.  He's a lawyer, tech entrepreneur and the co-founder of Lawfty. He is in the business of turning legal advertising into a science. He's someone who believes that work should be fun, but that fun is not a substitute for hard work. Richheimer is an eternal optimist, exercise enthusiast and aspiring vegan (who loves buffalo wings, which is a problem). He's worked as an investment banker, political operative and a lawyer. Richheimer says he stopped "working" the day he became an entrepreneur, and he plans to spend the rest of his life collaborating with smart people to build cool businesses.