Erin Burnett Outfront

Pelosi points to possible bribery charge against Trump, White House budget official will testify if subpoenaed, Bill Clinton to Trump: "You got hired to do a job"



White house braces for day two of public testimony, Animated White House meeting between Trump, Barr, White House counsel, Pelosi: Trump call "Perfectly wrong. It's bribery", Next witnesses in impeachment probe: Former ambassador to Ukraine & aide who overheard Trump-Sondland call, Russia likely heard Sondland's cell phone call with Trump, Ex-counterintelligence officials: Russian spies likely intercepted Sondland's cell phone call with Trump, Bill Clinton to Trump: "You got hired to do a job" and should work with Democrats despite impeachment probe, Former GOP voter: "I'm so disappointed in the Republican party", Independent voter reacts to impeachment hearing: "I'm pretty sure I'm going to vote for him, again.", At least two dead, three injured in California school shooting; Sheriff: Incident took 16 seconds from start to finish, Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick announces run for President; Says Biden "Misses the momen