Second Spring Queen

Lunar Sex Magic: Full Moon in Taurus November 12, 2019 - Welcome to the Pleasure Zone



The Full Moon can be a reveal; shining a light on what we need to see to live our true destiny. It can show us what we need to release or shed in order to move forward on our path. It also can also be a cumulation, a completion, a closure of some kind. And/or a celebration; receiving the fruits of your labor; a time to highlight and give thanks to what you’ve manifested. It’s a great time to tune in and get intentional about the life you were born to live. What are your heart’s true desires? How does your unique essence and soul’s purpose connect with the grander scheme of what’s unfolding right now? When we align the creative life-force of our sexual energy and our desires with the potent lunar portals of the Full and New Moons, we get in rhythm with ancient medicine. We reclaim our agency to co-create with the universe and each other. And make the world a more beautiful place. My intention with Lunar Sex Magic is to support you in having an embodied experience of astrology and to share some tools to live mo