Welcome Home

Permission Granted! Allowing Yourself To Be Who You Want To Be! Episode 160



Today on Welcome Home we’re waiving the magic wand and giving everyone “Permission”  We're having a fun talk about a serious topic: Being Who You Were Made to Be and Letting Go of the Rest!  Join hosts Kirsten and Graham as we chat with out new friend Melissa Camara Wilkins about ditching the pressure to fit in, measure up, and have it all together.  We’ll discuss wearing jeans to a yoga class, why “I have other gifts!” should replace “I'm the Worst!” as your inner mantra and exactly how are do Graham and Kirsten make a vegetarian talk about bacon? Hint: It’s much longer than we should have!  All that and more on today’s episode of Welcome Home!  “You don’t need a special pass to be yourself--you can just choose” Click to take the  Permission Personality Quiz! SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT: NATIVE DEODORANT Native creates safe, simple, effective products with trusted ingredients and trusted performance. Not convinced? Check out the 7,000 5-star reviews from their customers. Their products are formulated without al