Boiling The Ocean

Sleep as the ultimate life hack and why we need rest to be our best



It can often feel as though there is no escape from being constantly “switched on” in our hyperconnected world. Our cellphones render us reachable at all times, and we feel the pressure to make every moment a productive one. But is constant activity good for our productivity? The short answer is a resounding no. Peak performers practice something that most of us don't: they regularly rest and recover in order to do their best work. So how can we establish a healthy rhythm to our working lives to create the conditions for our best work? Today’s episode is all about that topic, and our starting point is probably the least practiced but most useful "life hack" out there: getting a good night's sleep. We dig into its role in our productivity as cognitive athletes, and how to get enough of it. Using this as a starting point, we also discuss: - How much sleep do you really need? Separating fact from fiction - Different phases of sleep and the danger of waking up too early - The restorative power of nature - Givi