Courage Matters With Michael Anthony

How to Set and Achieve Great Goals



In this fourth episode in the series, Michael Anthony helps you understand the specific steps you can immediately begin to take in order to achieve the kinds of goals that will not only bring you deep satisfaction but also positively impact others as a result. In this podcast, you'll learn the following: The importance of creating a personal "Focus Filter" that will help you cut through distractions and harness your time, energy, and talents toward achieving your goals; Why an easy-to-use goal setting system is essential in your quest to achieve your goals, and How developing a goal-achievement support partner can dramatically boost your chances of success in the goal-setting process. A focused life is a productive, powerful life. Listen, learn, share, and let us know how this podcast helps YOU in your journey toward maximizing your life. Let us know if you have a topic you'd like to see us address in future podcasts, too. You'll love Episode 5, where Michael helps you focus on developing the "future yo