
Changelog: Nora Blake



Guest: Nora Blake Dust WardensHalcyon StationFacadeNora's Medium PieceExport Audio PatreonNora's TTRPG Patreon Discussion What are Nora's core philosophies when designing games? How some games aren't mean to be played, some games are therapy or poetry. Writing small games. Using just d6's in your game. Making a Stardew Valley/ Harvest Moon TGE game. You can't design games around bad players. Not protecting garbage people in the tabletop community, excusing their behavior and putting them on pedestals. Making the space more welcoming by not clinging onto old white designers who are really shitty. Changelog When you try to accomplish something that doesn't damage durability, hit points or stress, your outcome determines the size of a concession the GM is allowed to ask for when you succeed. Previously: The GM would set a durability for you to hit to accomplish everything. It was kind of a drag. Assist Mechanic: You roll your skill die and give the player you're helping half of that. They can apply that to eith