
Changelog: Felicia McEntire



Guest: Felicia McEntire BreakawayI Speak Giant Game Graveyard Leaf OS Discussion In the meat of this show we discuss at length: Doubling down on themes and character tropes, layouts, pre-written adventures and seizing the means of tabletop fun production. Changelog Change Boons/Fumbles to concessions.Change Body, Mind and Charm to Physical, Mental and Technical EffortChange Hit Points to the sum of Effort.Make Effort/Control a sliding scale.Updated Story Path to include new Efforts and Controls.Added Mission Creation RulesRemove ranges and engagement zones.*Change Damage, Persuasion and Effectiveness to Physical, Mental and Technical ControlChange Stress Points to the total of Control.Change Weaponry on vehicles to Firepower.Change Power on vehicles to Reliability.Change Boons/Fumbles to concessions.Change Body, Mind and Charm to Physical, Mental and Technical EffortChange Hit Points to the sum of Effort.Make Effort/Control a sliding scale.Updated Story Path to include new Efforts and Controls. Download v1.6.