Wellbeing Weekly

135 | "I'm Not Cut Out For This..." - Why Not You, Why Not Now?!



Do you ask yourself 'Who am I to do this?' or come up with excuses about why now isn't the right time to chase your goals? This week I'm talking about Why Not You & Why Not Now...and some of the reasons you're sabotaging your own progress and how to boost your confidence & belief in yourself to get started on taking small steps towards your goals - pronto! Free Productivity Plan - www.wellbeingweekly.com.au/plan Wellpreneur Women FB Group - www.wellbeingweekly.com.au/community Wealthy Wellpreneurs Coaching Program & how you can sell your health & wellbeing services online - www.wellbeingweekly.com.au/group Instagram - @wellbeingweekly